Netbox.Global Hard Fork

2 min readNov 18, 2020


Mandatory Update
Netbox.Wallet v3.5.0 is a mandatory update for all users. This release contains new consensus rules and improvements that are not backwards compatible with older versions. Users will need to update their clients before enforcement of this update goes into effect.

Update enforcement goes into effect at block #770001 (est. December 18, 2020 01:30 GMT)

• added dynamic multiplier for block rewards after height 770000
— increased nodes protocol version;
• speeded up access to wallet transactions
— added new field (added transaction sender address) to wallet database format;
• minor wallet and API improvements.

How to Upgrade:

For users: if you use Netbox.Browser then Netbox.Wallet will be upgraded automatically within a few days starting today and no additional actions are required!

For masternode holders on own servers: for manual masternode upgrade follow the instructions from starting from “2.4. Download the script” till the item 2.6.
After reinstalling masternode you need to start your masternode:
- update masternode.conf file with new “MASTERNODE PRIVATE KEY” (from the item 2.6.), see “3.9 Go to Tools > Open Masternode Configuration File” in pdf;
- restart your local wallet (item 3.9.7.);
- and then continue with “3.10 Click Masternodes tab” in pdf).

For masternode holders on third party services (like Gentarium, Trittium and others): after Netbox.Wallet upgrade (to the latest version v3.5.0) you should open it on the tab “Masternodes” and click “Start Missing”.

For services, masternode hosting platforms, exchanges: you can download precompiled binaries for Windows, Linux and MacOS from the official Netbox.Global GitHub page:
New wallet updates the wallet’s database. This process may take up to several hours if there were a lot of transactions in the wallet.

Join us and stay tuned for more news very soon:




Written by Netbox.Global

Get paid to surf! The first decentralized web browser. Includes Netbox.Wallet, which is credited with rewards for browser usage!

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